Curriculum Reform in Vietnam: Teacher Autonomy and the Reality of Its Implementation in Classrooms
This study investigates how the teacher autonomy granted by the General Education Program (GEP) 2018 reform policies is implemented in real classroom environments in Vietnam. Teacher autonomy is critical in enhancing educational innovation and fostering student-centered learning in Vietnam. Participants were selected using purposive sampling to ensure diverse representation, including 20 primary school teachers from various regions in central Vietnam, all of whom had experience teaching under the GEP 2018. This research adopts a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative focus group interviews with these teachers and quantitative survey data to validate findings. This study aims to explore teachers' perceptions of autonomy and the challenges they face in implementing the GEP 2018, providing insights to bridge the gap between policy and practice. The results show that many teachers find increased autonomy challenging due to unclear guidance, heavier workloads, and insufficient support, which undermines the reform's goal of empowerment. The study highlights the need for clear guidance, better training, and systemic support to align policy with classroom practice.
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