Teaching with Tasks: Exploring Vietnamese Pre-service Teachers’ Perceptions and Readiness for TBLT Implementation
The teaching approach known as task-based language teaching (TBLT) has gained popularity as a means of instruction that improves learners’ language proficiency through meaningful communication and real-world tasks. This study investigated the perceptions and readiness of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) pre-service teachers in a university in Vietnam regarding TBLT. A mixed-methods research design integrating quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews was utilized to understand TBLT preparation issues comprehensively. Thirty-eight fourth-year English Language Teacher Education students participated in the survey, which provided quantitative information about their comprehension of TBLT concepts and their readiness for its application. Five participants were invited for semi-structured interviews to understand the factors impacting their provisioned choice of teaching methods and their confidence levels with TBLT. Data analysis involved statistical techniques using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) for the questionnaire responses and thematic analysis for the interview transcripts. The results showed that these Vietnamese pre-service teachers were highly knowledgeable in understanding TBLT and its advantages, such as fostering language fluency, enhancing meaningful interaction between teachers and students, and preparing students for real-life communication. The teacher-students expressed confidence and eagerness to apply TBLT in their future teaching. However, practical issues, including class size and time constraints, were noted as potential barriers to the successful implementation of the approach. The findings suggested helpful implications for teacher education and professional development in Vietnam and similar EFL contexts.
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