Global Trends in Contributing Factors to Mathematics Performance in Secondary Schools: Lessons for South Africa 2015 – 2024

Hendri Theron


This review of the literature examines global trends related to factors contributing to mathematics performance in secondary schools from 2015 to 2024, to draw lessons for South Africa. The study identifies key issues in South African mathematics education, such as insufficiently trained teachers, inadequate facilities, and lack of resources. It contrasts these factors with those of high-performing countries such as Singapore, China, Taipei, and Korea, which consistently excel in international assessments such as the TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study). The theoretical framework is grounded in complexity and chaos theory, emphasising the non-linear and dynamic nature of educational systems. The butterfly effect and chaos theory are used metaphorically to illustrate how small changes in initial conditions can lead to significant long-term impacts. Methodologically, the review employs a thematic analysis of literature sourced primarily from the Scopus database, covering a decade of research. After the initial selection procedure, 24 relevant articles were selected according to the predetermined selection criteria. The findings highlight the critical role of teachers, including their qualifications, professional development, and the establishment of a growth mindset. Furthermore, the importance of teaching and learning support, teacher-student relationships, resources, learning environment, and socioeconomic status is underlined. The review concludes that South Africa can improve its mathematics performance by ensuring that all mathematics teachers are well-qualified, providing adequate resources, and fostering a conducive learning environment. The study also recommends further research into early childhood development and a broader database search to enhance the understanding of factors influencing mathematics performance.


contributing factors; globally; mathematics performance; secondary schools; South Africa

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