Exploring Digital Competence among Higher Education Teachers: A Systematic Review

Hengameh Karimi, Sarwar Khawaja


Digital competency has grown increasingly vital for teachers in the modern classroom. While much attention has been given to pre-university education, university teachers are now beginning to recognise the importance of mastering digital competencies, which can be described as a combination of skills, attitudes, and knowledge necessary for effective technology use in teaching. This systematic review examines existing research on university teachers’ digital competencies, drawing from studies that explore their challenges, practices, and needs. A recurring theme in the reviewed literature is the limited use of advanced digital tools, primarily due to barriers such as insufficient training, a lack of time, and inadequate resources. These constraints often lead educators to rely on basic digital tools, leaving significant potential for untapped innovation. The findings underscore the critical need for structured training programmes that integrate pedagogy and technology so that faculty may easily adopt innovative teaching strategies and enhance student learning outcomes. This review highlights the most relevant studies to emphasise the need for long-term strategies in aiding the development of digital competencies. By addressing these gaps, universities can better prepare their educators to navigate the evolving digital landscape, ultimately improving the quality of higher education. The study provides actionable insights for institutional policymakers with a goal to foster digital transformation in teaching and learning. 



digital competencies; higher education; systematic review; teachers; university teachers

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