How Can Environmental Education be Incorporated into Indonesian Language Learning? A Critical Review of Teachers' Perspectives
Teachers and students should implement environmental education practices oriented towards sustainable development in schools as one of the solutions to overcominge environmental problems. This research addresses gaps related to teachers' lack of understanding of ecological education, limited resources, and policy support in implementing environmental education by exploring Indonesian language teachers' perspectives using critical reflection and dialogical theory. This research uses an interpretative phenomenological analysis approach to explore the views and experiences of nine junior high school Indonesian language teachers, six women and three men, from various regions. The participant selection technique used purposeful sampling by setting criteria. Data was collected using in-depth interviews and Focus Group Discussions as an additional technique. Findings of this study show that teachers' critical awareness of environmental education is the basis for boosting students' awareness of the ecological impact of human activities. Dialogue between teachers and students is essential in empowering and creating participatory spaces for students to express their views and interests. Challenges and obstacles in environmental education become opportunities for critical reflection for teachers to develop a more contextualized curriculum. The findings of this study show the importance of critical reflection in supporting teachers to be more adaptive and innovative in integrating environmental elements into learning. This could contribute to the experiences and practices of environmental education-based learning conducted by Indonesian language teachers. Future research could involve more teachers from different regions and education levels, obtain more representative data and include students' perspectives directly to explore their understanding of environmental education.
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