A Systematic Literature Review of ESL/EFL Learning Strategies and Learner Motivation
While language learning strategies of English as a second language or English as a foreign language learners were reportedly linked to learners’ motivational beliefs by many theorists and researchers, systematic reviews of how language learning strategies were studied in association with learner motivation in the previous decades were scarce. Therefore, this review paper analysed research trends in language learning strategies in relation to learner motivation from 1960 to 2023. Employing a Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) Protocol, this paper selected empirical research papers studying both language learning strategies and motivation from the high-ranking journals from Web of Science and Scopus databases. This review paper employed descriptive, frequency and thematic analyses to trace the diversity of participants, and practical teaching-learning factors that were addressed in 36 empirical studies. In addition, this review summarized the research methods, highlighting key themes that emerged in the research papers. From 18 countries, most of the studies were done in the context of Iran and China. Apart from the majority of tertiary learners as participants, the quantitative method was predominant in the research. In addition to highlighting a few innovative studies that contributed to the literature and practical EFL/ESL teaching and learning, this review paper advocated more research on culturally diverse populations, technology-integrated ESL/EFL teaching and learning to enhance learner motivation and learning strategy use, and experimenting with effective intervention techniques to contribute to ESL/EFL teaching and learning in the future.
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