Shaping Young Minds: How Teachers Foster Social Interaction, Psychological Security and Motivational Support in the Primary Language Classroom
. This study examined how teachers can create conducive learning environments that promote positive social interactions, psychological security and motivational support to develop young learners’ skill acquisition and development in the early language classroom. To this end, a purposeful sample of 93 teachers from schools in Sharjah (United Arab Emirates), Al-Ahsa (Saudi Arabia) and Zarqa (Jordan) was drawn for semi-structured interviews to gauge their perspectives on these matters. Using a grounded theory approach, the findings revealed several critical factors that catalyze skill acquisition and development in supportive learning environments. The findings revealed the significance of engaging in enriching social interactions, which allows learners opportunities for practice and active language use in real-world contexts. The findings also underscored the significance of teacher-student relationships in building a nurturing learning environment which promotes engagement, self-confidence and improved language learning outcomes. Consistent motivational support was also found to be instrumental in enhancing students' drive, which improved both their participation and language proficiency. The findings further emphasized the need for creating a psychologically safe classroom environment for the learners to take risks and learn from their mistakes without fear. Furthermore, encouraging creative thinking was found to positively affect both language development and cognitive growth.
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