Application of ADDIE as an Instructional Design Model in the Teaching and Rehabilitation of Children with Autism: A Review
The analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation (ADDIE) model is widely used in the field of education, based on rich instructional programs or materials that have been developed for instructors and students. However, the use of the ADDIE model in teaching and rehabilitating children with autism has not been systematically reviewed to date. The objective of the study was to discuss the use and effectiveness of instructional design based on the ADDIE model in the teaching and rehabilitation of children with autism. A literature search was undertaken using three databases (Web of Science, Google Scholar, and CNKI), and 36 studies on the use of the ADDIE model in teaching and rehabilitating children with autism from 2010 to 2024 were reviewed according to the PRISMA checklist. Results show that studies on the application of the ADDIE model for the teaching and rehabilitation of children with autism were the most numerous in 2023, with Malaysia and Indonesia having the highest number of studies. The types of papers were mostly journal papers, and most of them were based on quantitative research and used multiple data collection methods. Various studies have shown that instructional programs or materials developed based on the ADDIE model have positive effects and impacts on multiple developmental domains for children with autism. This study comprehensively analyzed the situation and effects of ADDIE as an instructional design model in teaching and rehabilitating children with autism, aiming to provide a reference basis for future researchers and educators.
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