AI-Driven Sociocultural Interactive Digital Module for Papua: Advancing Educational Technology to Sustainable Development Goals
This study presented the development and evaluation of an artificial intelligence driven interactive digital module designed for middle?school science education in Papua and integrating sociocultural content with topics aligned to PISA 2025. The module aimed to enhance educational outcomes while supporting the Sustainable Development Goals. A mixed-methods approach was used, combining qualitative ethnographic research to embed relevant cultural elements with quantitative assessments of the module's impact on science literacy. The study involved 200 middle school students and 40 science teachers, who were divided into two groups: an experimental group using the artificial intelligence based module and a control group following the standard curriculum. Data analysis was conducted using a paired-sample t-test to determine the statistical significance of learning improvements. Instruments included pre- and post-tests, surveys, and focus group discussions with students and teachers. The data analysis showed a 49.19% improvement in understanding complex scientific concepts. This improvement was observed particularly in the structure and properties of matter, earth and space systems, global?warming climate change, chemical changes of matter, energy, motion and forces, light waves, radio, sound, seismic activity, and absorption of radiation by CO2. The findings highlighted the effectiveness of culturally responsive digital education tools in improving science literacy in underrepresented regions. Recommendations included expanding the module's use to other regions with similar educational challenges and developing AI features to enhance personalized learning experiences in science education.
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