Predicting Students’ Intention and Actual Use of E-Learning Using the Technology Acceptance Model: A Case from Zimbabwe

Edward Elirehema Marandu, Forbes Makudza, Sothini N Ngwenya


This study investigates the extent to which the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) constructs predict intention to accept and use technology in learning. Data were obtained from 337 students from Bindura University of Science Education (BUSE) in Zimbabwe. The findings made three revelations. First, usefulness appears as an important driver for intention to use e-technology in education. Second, Ease-of-Use was contrary to the hypothesis, but was statistically insignificant. Third, Behavioural Intention has a positive and a strong association with Actual Use. The findings suggest several implications for theory and policy. In theoretical terms, the study provides evidence for the predominance of Usefulness over Ease-of-Use in predicting intention to adopt e-learning among students. In practical terms, the study shows that to ensure that students use particular technologies for study, a functionally useful system must be put in place. As such, technologies, which do not meet this condition, may simply be ignored.


Technology Acceptance Model, Usefulness, Ease-of-Use, Intention, E-Learning, University, Zimbabwe

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