How Well-Protected are Teachers in School?

Alma Sonia Q. Sanchez-Danday


School leaders are responsible in providing a socially just environment for teachers. However, studies revealed a low education law literacy of school heads to adequately protect teachers’ rights. This study sought to describe how 10 purposively chosen faculty organization presidents from the different public higher education institutions (HEIs) in the Philippines handle cases involving teachers. The common issues and challenges encountered were likewise determined through a descriptive single case study design. Methodological triangulation was used in gathering the data thematically analyzed with the aid of NVivo qualitative data analysis software. Results revealed the different misconceptions of the members of the disciplinary committee, the preference of settlement over the resolution of cases, and the presumed existence of a conflict of interest among faculty presidents designated to a supervisory position. Recommendations for further actions were likewise given.


teacher rights; settlement versus resolution; education law cases; teacher protection; higher education institutions

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