Phonological Interference in Reciting Al-Qur’an: A Critical Reflection on the Learning of Al-Qur’an Phonology through Action Research

Tedi Supriyadi, J Julia, Prana Dwija Iswara


In reciting Al-Qur'an, one is obliged to follow the rules of recitation in order to avoid mistakes in reciting it, both major errors (Lahn Jali) or minor errors (Lahn Khafi). This study aims at analyzing phonological interference in the practice of reciting Al-Qur'an in one of the universities in Indonesia. The method used was action research involving 25 students as the subject, consisting of 12 female and 13 male students. The research subject was a group of people who used Javanese as their native language or have a Javanese cultural background. The techniques of collecting data were listening, documenting, and interviewing. This study produced a number of steps as an act of critical reflection in minimizing the forms of phonological interference in reciting Al-Qur'an, namely Listening, Observation, Verification, Values, and Evaluation (LOVVE) as a learning method. These steps were able to reduce the number of phonological interference in the practice of reciting Al-Qur'an or in other words they were able to increase students’ fluency in reciting Al-Qur'an for a total of 24 people (96%). In conclusion, there were five steps to improve fluency or minimize the form of phonological interference in reading the Qur'an for students from Javanese cultural background.


Interference; Phonology; Lahn Jali; Lahn Khafi; Al-Qur’an Learning

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