History Teachers’ Competence in Implementing Authentic Assessment: A Case Study in a State Senior High School in Yogyakarta

A. Aman.


This study aimed to analyze the competence of history teachers in implementing the authentic assessment. The study used a descriptive qualitative method with a case study in a senior high school in Yogyakarta. The data sources of the study were history teacher, school principal, vice school principal of curriculum, and school supervisor. The collecting data techniques used were the interview, observation, and documentation. The validity of the data uses informant feedback and triangulation of method, data, and theory. The interactive model was applied to analyze the qualitative and quantitative data through some steps: data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and verification, or conclusion. The results showed that the assessment system in the school had followed the assessment guidance of Curriculum 2013 that related to spiritual, social, knowledge, and competence. The competence of history teachers in developing authentic assessment instruments has improved as viewed from the assessment instrument in line with primary and basic competence. The competence of history teacher competence was useful in implementing authentic assessment where there has been compatibility between the developed instrument and the assessment implementation. The competence of history teachers in processing the measurement result was also excellent, as proved by the whole analysis of measurement results to make assessment and evaluation. The study concluded that history teachers of the school subject have competence in implementing the authentic assessment.



assessment instrument; authentic assessment; history teacher; teacher competence

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