Analysis of Accountability Ratings for Elementary Schools Texas, USA: Considering the School Growth and Students’ Demographics

Felipe Sepulveda, Christie Bledsoe, Marlene Zipperlen, Robert Rose


The purpose of this quantitative study was to compare the Texas school accountability approach used from 2004 to 2011 based on a status-based model to a model that incorporates academic growth and student demographic variables.  Information from three large urban school districts in Texas was analysed considering data from 398 elementary schools and the reading and mathematics TAKS test scores of 24,065 fourth and fifth grade students.  Results indicated that the average school growth did not present significant differences between institutions with different accountability rating defined by TEA in 2011.  Statistical differences were found when the average school growth was analysed disaggregating the students’ population by ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and English language proficiency.  A systemic approach must prevail for designing an accountability system used to judge the quality of education delivered at an elementary school.  This research was an analysis of how an accountability system could be useful to evaluate school effectiveness based on standard-based assessment results.  However, the use of only one measurement to judge a school’s efficacy regarding the quality education provided to students may be a reductionist and narrow approach.


school accountability; standard-based assessments; academic growth; school ranking

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