The Role of Non-Academic Service Quality in an Academic-Oriented Context: Structural Equation Modeling amongst Parents of Secondary Education Students

Thao-Thanh Thi Phan, Ha-Giang Thi Tran, Le-Huong Thi Nguyen, Tam-Phuong Pham, Thang-The Nguyen, Hiep-Hung Pham, Thai-Quoc Cao


In the education sector, the academic factor is considered the primary focus when assessing the service quality of schools. However, the traditional approach to service quality proposes that the supplemental indicators of quality are just as important in meeting customer expectations. As parents of secondary school students are not directly involved in the academic service of the school, non-academic factors (e.g., administrative quality [ADQ] and physical environment quality [PEQ]) can be considered alternative service quality indicators, subsequently affecting their satisfaction and loyalty. Using data obtained from a survey questionnaire with 230 parents of secondary education students in Vietnam, this study examined non-academic service factors as antecedents of parent satisfaction and loyalty. Results of the exploratory factor analysis (EFA) yielded two factors under the non-academic service dimension: PEQ and ADQ. Results of the structural equation modeling (SEM) showed that while PEQ affects loyalty both directly and indirectly, ADQ affects loyalty only indirectly through satisfaction. Implications for stakeholders, including school principals and policymakers, have been drawn from the findings of this study.


administrative quality; non-academic service quality; parent loyalty; parent satisfaction; physical environment quality; secondary education

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