Enhancing Virtual Learning during the Crisis of COVID-19 Lockdown - A Case Study of a Higher Education Institution in Maldives

Mariyam Shareefa, Mohamed Muneez, Aaidha Hammad, Mariyam Shihama


Regardless of whether educational institutions had experience of using online teaching, the COVID-19 pandemic forced a sudden switch to fully virtual delivery mode, which presented challenges at both institutional and instructional levels. At the time, not much information about these experiences was available to guide education during lockdown. This study, therefore, explored the virtual learning experiences of a Maldivian higher education institution that had practiced virtual learning before and during the pandemic. Data was collected from 52 participants – a senior management member, four lecturers, and 47 students - through conducting semistructured interviews, studying students’ reflection journals, doing lesson observations, and reviewing documents. Thematic analysis of the data revealed several changes had occurred in the teaching process of the college. Significant modification of the instructional setup, structural arrangements, and the psychological readiness of students had both positive and negative impacts. This study endeavors to be of value to other higher education institutions who adopt virtual learning.



COVID-19 pandemic; higher education institution; teaching and learning; virtual learning

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