Academic Satisfaction of Pedagogy Students Regarding Learning in Virtual Mode

Fabián Muñoz, Juan Carlos Beltrán, Regina Alves, Fabián Rodríguez


The Covid-19 pandemic in Chile was declared as such in March 2020. As a result, the Ministry of Education compiled guidelines to provide continuity to the formative processes, through which the concept of remote learning emerged. This research paper aims at identifying academic satisfaction of pedagogy students in a higher education institution (HEI) regarding learning in the virtual mode in the pandemic context. A quantitative, non?experimental, cross-sectional methodology was used. The sample consisted of 337 students in 6 pedagogical courses at an HEI in the Araucanía region to whom a questionnaire on satisfaction with virtual teaching was administered. Results indicated that student satisfaction was low regarding the way content was handled and evaluation mechanisms used in the virtual mode. However, high satisfaction was shown in the items corresponding to teacher-student interaction. In addition, we found no statistically significant differences in the items related to the fulfillment of expectations and learning achieved in the virtual mode, either by gender, level of study, program, or academic performance. Finally, there was high dissatisfaction with virtual teaching during the present academic cycle. We recommend the systematic evaluation of the indicators of educational quality, mainly linked to the treatment of the content, the evaluation mechanisms used, and the teacher-student interaction channels, since they improve the academic performance of HEIs.


distance learning; education; higher education; performance; satisfaction

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