Unpacking Determinants of Middle-School Children’s Direct Nature Experiences (DNEs): An Island Perspective
This study aimed to explore and understand the contextual factors that influence nature experiences amongst 11–12–year–old children in their local island environments of the Maldives. The study adopted a qualitative phenomenological approach using semi-structured focus group interviews, held online, with seven groups, one per island environment. A total of 34 children participated in the interviews, with 4–6 children per group, recruited purposively based on inclusion criteria. The interviews were transcribed, and a thematic analysis was carried out. The analysis demonstrated that children’s nature experiences were primarily influenced by preferences, opportunities, constraints, and freedom, of which opportunities have the greatest influence. Similarly, constraints deter the use of available opportunities, regardless of where children live. Females appear to have more constraints on their nature experiences than males. Children must be facilitated with meaningful opportunities for DNEs to overcome constraints and motivate nature engagement. Schools must play a proactive role in facilitating these experiences to foster nature connections to ensure the success of their sustainability targeted curricular objectives. While the subject of DNEs has a wide place in the literature, the lack of studies in the field of education for sustainable development (ESD) increases the importance of this study. The findings can guide the promotion of ESD as a pathway to a sustainable future in the country. Future research should examine barriers to children’s DNEs at the school level.
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