Problem-based Learning (PBL) with Reading Questioning and Answering (RQA) of Preservice Elementary School Teachers

Marleny Leasa, Abednego Abednego, John Rafafy Batlolona


Preservice elementary school teachers' critical thinking skills were compared during this quasi-experimental study of PBL (Problem-based Learning) and RQA (Reading-Questioning and Answering) science practicum learning. Following the Covid-19 protocol, the science practicum course was completed online in both the PBL and the PBL with RQA. Face-to-face interaction was limited. Blended learning is completed synchronously by Google Meet and asynchronously by Schoology. The science practicum was conducted offline regarding the limited face-to-face material discussed at the Laboratory. The independent variable consists of two learning models, PBL (control group) and PBL with RQA (treatment group), with critical thinking skills as the dependent variable. The program, which emphasized students' critical thinking skills, lasted about eight weeks. The instrument utilized in this study was a 16-item critical thinking skills test includes indicators of interpretation, analysis, explanation, evaluation, and inference. The data were analyzed by one-way ANCOVA, with critical thinking skills pretest scores as covariates. The findings show that the PBL with RQA has more significant potential to increase students' critical thinking skills than the PBL. RQA allows students to learn independently by reading, summarizing, asking, and answering questions.


problem-based learning; reading-questioning; answering; elementary school teacher

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