Changes in Assessment Modality in Saudi Higher Education: Lessons Learnt Post-COVID-19

Wessam Mohamed, Taghreed A Almuqayteeb


This article examines the changes in academics' assessment practices, the contributing variables in response to the transition to the online modality during the pandemic, and the most important 21st-century skills that academic programs should assess post-COVID. The study used a descriptive methodology with both quantitative and qualitative analyses via survey-based research. A total of 225 faculty members from different academic clusters, of different educational levels, genders, and assessment-related work experiences completed the questionnaire. The findings of this research identified interesting shifts in the academics' assessment practices upon 100% transition to the online modality. Specifically, most of the academics modified their assessment plans by lowering the workload of assessment tasks while retaining the same assessment methods. Additionally, a higher weightage of marks was allocated to the use of alternative/ authentic assessment. There was a noticeable increase in the employment of online assessment methods such as examinations, oral exams, assignments, and participation. Furthermore, both the academic cluster and course type had impacts on the utilization of online assessment methods. Lastly, the study identified critical thinking and problem-solving skills, information and computer technology-related skills, and creativity as the top skills to be assessed post-COVID-19. By examining the academics' assessment practices in response to the complete transition to the online modality, this research contributes to the sustainability of best practices in online assessment modalities in higher education. Finally, this study provides recommendations for academics: collaborative assignments, valued as a high-impact assessment practice, should be used to embed and sustain learning. Additionally, academics should be encouraged to adopt authentic assessment methods for online assessment.


post-COVID-19; changes; assessment modality; quality; authentic; higher education

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