Exploring the Potential of Integrating Local Wisdom into the Development of Pocket Book Learning Media: A Systematic Literature Review
The incorporation of local knowledge into pocket book learning media provides for a multidimensional strategy for enhancing academic integrity. To create a learning atmosphere that prioritizes both academic excellence and ethical conduct, this incorporation mixes contemporary educational techniques with traditional cultural views. This paper aims to systematically review and synthesize literature on the creation of pocket book learning media based on local knowledge, with a focus on its potential to enhance academic integrity. To investigate the research topic, a systematic literature review was conducted using the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) methodology to address three main research objectives. The quality of studies reviewed between 2013 and 2023 was analyzed using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT). Three (3) articles were rated as average, eleven (11) articles as above-average quality, and the remaining six (6) were rated high quality. The central discovery of the research highlights a shared foundation between local wisdom and academic integrity, which are moral and social ethics, honesty, trust, and respect, forming a basis upon which pocket book learning media can be crafted. By infusing the principles of local wisdom into pocket book learning resources, the potential to enhance academic integrity arises due to this common ground. The study has further established a versatile framework that, in conjunction with various research models, can guide the creation of learning materials rooted in local wisdom, thereby fostering and promoting academic integrity.
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