Factors Contributing to Resistance in the use of Information and Communications Technology: A Snapshot on Engineering Graphics and Design Teachers

Philani Brian Mlambo, Mogale Simon Albert Maeko, Samuel Dumazi Khoza


The prevalent adoption of ICT in education has compelled even EGD teachers to integrate ICT in teaching and learning of EGD. However, not every teacher understands the importance of using technology in EGD lessons, even though it offers a lot of benefits for both teachers and learners. Many scholars have attributed this resistance of teachers to many factors, such as gender, age, and attitudes as well as the fact that teachers do not perceive technology as important as they believe that traditional methods are still bearing fruit. In an attempt to understand the actual reasons behind teachers’ resistance to ICT integration in EGD lessons, this study followed a qualitative approach, and semi-structured interviews were used to gather data. Purposive sampling was used to identify 11 EGD teachers to take part in this study. Furthermore, the study employed the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) framework, which puts emphasis on the acceptance and adoption of technology. This framework assisted in pinpointing factors contributing to ICT resistance and how teachers can accept technology for the purpose of teaching and learning. The findings show that factors such as age, lack of proper skills to use technology, lack of exposure to technology at the tertiary level, attitude, and shortage of resources in schools are contributing to teachers’ resistance to using technology. The study recommends that the department of education should train teachers and provide schools with relevant ICT resources.



Resistance; technology; ICT training; Engineering Graphics and Design; Information and Communication Technology; AutoCAD

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