Exploring the Challenges and Strategies for Enhancing Biotechnology Instruction in a Modularized Context at University of Rwanda-College of Science and Technology

Yvonne Ndikumana, Leon Rugema Mugabo, Antoine Nsabimana


The globalization of higher education, spearheaded by initiatives like the Bologna Process, has transformed traditional teaching methods, fostering collaboration and interconnectedness among institutions globally. This transformation is evident in Rwanda's higher learning sector, where teaching and learning paradigms have evolved in line with Bologna Process principles. This study delves into the challenges faced by students and lecturers in teaching and learning biotechnology within this framework, and proposes enhancement strategies. Utilising a mixed-method approach, the study examines responses from 111 participants from the University of Rwanda-College of Science and Technology (UR-CST). Data collection involved questionnaires analysed using SPSS, supplemented by insights from focus group interviews and classroom observations. Key findings reveal hurdles that include inadequate facilities, limited connectivity, and weak coordination between academic and administrative bodies. Large class sizes and a lack of awareness regarding diverse learning styles exacerbate challenges. Additionally, time constraints and infrequent assessments hinder effective teaching and learning. To address these issues, the study suggests solutions such as continuous professional development for teachers, optimised time management, and improved laboratory facilities with dedicated personnel. These recommendations aim to enhance the effectiveness of teaching and learning in biotechnology, ensuring students receive quality education despite prevailing challenges.



Biotechnology Education; Bologna Process; Higher Education Challenges; Teaching Methods; Improvement Strategies

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