Circular Economy and Sustainable Technology in Technical and Vocational Education and Training: A Bibliometric Analysis

Norzaharah Ab Hamid, Mohamad Sattar Rasul, Fathiyah Mohd Kamaruzaman


The integration of circular economy and sustainable technology in technical and vocational education and training (TVET) is essential to foster environmentally conscious practitioners who are able to prepare the workforce for sustainable development. Despite the growing interest in circular economy and sustainable technology, a comprehensive understanding of the research landscape in the context of the growth of TVET education is still lacking. This research maps the scholarly output, identifies key themes and assesses global research collaborations in the integration of circular economy and sustainable technology in TVET. A bibliometric analysis using the Scopus database was conducted, focusing on publication trends, authorship patterns, keyword co-occurrence, and geographic distribution. Bibliometric analysis revealed a growing interest in circular economy and sustainable technology in TVET education, with a significant increase in publications over the past decade. Prolific authors and collaborative networks were identified and thematic clusters clarified core research areas, contributing to the knowledge base needed for sustainable workforce development. These findings emphasize the importance of circular economy and sustainable technology integration in TVET education and highlight the need for continued interdisciplinary collaboration. This bibliometric analysis serves as a valuable resource for educators, researchers and policy makers, guiding future efforts to increase the global impact of circular economy and sustainable technology in TVET education.


circular economy; sustainable technology; technical and vocational; education; bibliometric

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