Preservice Teachers' Perceptions, Attitudes, and Challenges of Using Scratch as a Coding Tool to Foster Active Learning in Life Sciences Classrooms

Thato Charlot Mashishi, Sam Ramaila


In the contemporary educational landscape, integrating technology into teaching practices is crucial for promoting active engagement and learning, particularly in science classrooms. This study investigated preservice teachers' perceptions of using Scratch as a coding tool to enhance active learning in Life Sciences classrooms. Adopting a qualitative research design, the study used purposive sampling to select five preservice teachers with relevant Life Sciences teaching experience. Data collection involved semi-structured interviews and classroom observations, and thematic analysis was employed to examine the data. The study found that Scratch was perceived positively by preservice teachers as a tool that could foster essential twenty-first-century skills such as collaboration, problem-solving, critical thinking, innovation, and communication. Preservice teachers demonstrated varying levels of familiarity with and adaptability to Scratch, influencing their methods of integration into teaching. While the tool showed promise in engaging students and enhancing active learning, the study also uncovered significant challenges, including resource limitations, inadequate teacher support, and logistical issues such as load shedding. These findings underscore the potential of Scratch to support innovative teaching practices and develop critical skills in learners. However, they also highlight the need for improved resources and support structures to maximise the effectiveness of technology integration. The study offers valuable insights for curriculum developers, higher education institutions, educational communities, and teachers, emphasising the need for strategic interventions to address implementation challenges and optimise the use of Scratch in fostering 4IR skills and preparing students for future careers.


scratch; coding; active learning; life sciences education; science; technology; engineering; and mathematics (STEM)

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