Interaction between Leadership, Interpersonal Relationships and Organisational Climate: Case Study in the Peruvian Aymara region
In the dynamic outlook of current educational management, pedagogical leadership, interpersonal relationships and organisational climate emerge as fundamental pillars for institutional success. This research explores the intricate interconnection between these three crucial elements in the context of public elementary schools in the Aymara region of Perú. The methodology used corresponds to the quantitative approach and a descriptive-correlational design. The study analysed the perceptions of 125 teachers from six primary educational institutions by applying validated questionnaires. The findings reveal significant correlations between the variables; a high positive relationship between pedagogical leadership and interpersonal relationships (r=0.99), between pedagogical leadership and organisational climate (r=0.99), and between interpersonal relationships and organisational climate (r=0.96). It is concluded that there is a high degree of positive relationships between the three variables. These results validate the hypotheses put forward and underscore the critical importance of leadership in creating a harmonious and productive educational environment. The implications of this study are profound, highlighting how effective leadership can catalyse positive interpersonal relationships and, consequently, foster a healthy organisational climate, resulting in a cordial atmosphere for the educational community. Based on social and emotional skills, this synergy emerges as the key to achieving institutional goals in today's challenging educational environment. The analysis provided offers a solid foundation for future research and implementing more effective and holistic educational management strategies.
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