A Teaching Model of Polynomial Functions’ Learning Outcomes according to the System Approach for High School Students

Ahmad A.S. Tabieh


This study aims at designing a model for teaching polynomial functions’ learning outcomes based on the system approach (LOSA Model). The model includes procedural mechanisms for implementing each of its parts, yielding the model’s outputs, i.e. the tools needed to use the model in teaching high school students. The study consists of three phases: designing the LOSA Model, development of the procedural mechanism of the LOSA model, and formulating the necessary outputs needed to use the model in teaching. This study provides a model for teaching the learning outcomes of polynomial functions, consisting of six domains: the mathematical content; the equipment; teaching methods; evaluation methods; the students; and the teacher. In each domain, the inputs were processed to produce the required outputs through a procedural method based on the system approach. In addition, the study provides an electronic procedural guide that shows precisely how to use each and every constituent of the model. It also provides the outputs of the model which are its usable tools as a teaching model. These outputs are the learning outcomes and their prerequisites; the mathematical content of polynomial functions; the supporting electronic content on Blackboard; the initial, formative, and summative evaluation tools; the mechanisms for preparing the equipment; the teaching methods; and the training methods that qualify the students and teachers to work with the model. The study was applied to a cluster sample of 138 experts in education and mathematics, and the methodology employed the quantitative and qualitative research. 



Teaching Model; Learning Outcomes; System Approach; Polynomial Function; High School

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