Coping with Teasing and Name-Calling Scale For Children



The aim of this study was to develop a Coping with Teasing and Name-Calling Scale for Children (C-TANCS-C). A sample of 317 students (156 girls, 161 boys) completed C-TANCS-C. Principal components factor analysis and direct oblique rotation were used for exploratory factor analysis (EFA), and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to confirm the obtained factors. The results of EFA revealed that C-TANCS-C had three factors (aggression, ignoring, and convincing) with 12 items. 12 Items explained 62.94 % of the total variance. The results of CFA demonstrated that the 12 items loaded on three factors and the model had an acceptable fit (x²= 120.15, df= 51, RMSEA=.069, NNFI=.94, CFI=.97, IFI=.97, and SRMR=.061). The internal consistency coefficients were .82 for the overall scale, .81 for aggression, and .78 for convincing factor. The corrected item-total correlations ranged from .26 to .62. In terms of convergent validity, C-TANCS-C scores were found to be positively and significantly correlated with Rosenberg self-esteem scale (r= .19,  = 31.63, sd= 5.23, α= .01), and hope scale scores (r= .30,  = 28.78, sd= 5.57, α= .01). The study also revealed that coping levels of students C-TANCS-C scores changed according to gender and grade, that was girls’ coping levels were higher than boys, coping levels of students were highest at 4th grade, lowest at 7th grade. Overall findings demonstrated that this scale is a valid and reliable.


Coping with teasing, name-calling, bullying, confirmatory factor analysis

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