A Grounded Theory Study of Learning Patterns of Asian Students in Higher Education

Abu Bakar


A large chunk of studies has focused on variations in students’ learning approaches in higher education (HE). Similarly, issues to learning in HE have been extensively investigated from perspective of Chinese students. However, the question is to what extent studies exist which can identify the patterns in which other Asian students alongside those with a Confucian Heritage Culture (CHC) find themselves comfortable when learning in HE in the United Kingdom (UK). The current study examines the learning patterns of Chinese (CHC), Indian and Pakistani (non-CHC) students from their prior learning (PL) experiences, the major academic issues they face, and how differently they consider the very process of learning in the UK. Data was collected through 3 phases of semi-structured in-depth interviews (and interpreted with personal narratives) from 24 students from the three sample countries, currently studying in the UK. Qualitative-narrative analysis of data using Grounded Theory (GT) revealed that Indian and Pakistani students along with other Chinese face similar challenges in coping with learning (patterns) independently in the UK. Similarly they equally feel the need towards lingual inadequacy and lack of academic writing support, surrounding their learning patterns. Asian students also consider HE learning as part of a process that require essential teaching. The key to the study is based on students’ own perceptions of the learning patterns they find significant in HE in order to promote the process of learning.


Confucian, higher education, language, independent learning, learning patterns

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