Stakeholders’ Perspectives of Early Childhood Education Language and Literacy Laboratories in the United Arab Emirates

Aysha AlShamsi, Phil Quirke


Language and literacy laboratories (LLLs) have been instrumental in the preparation of early childhood education (ECE), as reading is considered pivotal for novice learners. This study focused on the perspectives of pre- and in-service teachers and their instructors on the level of readiness to teach literacy through LLLs using the professional development school model of teacher education. The study employed a pragmatism-driven sequential mixed-methods research design consisting of a self-administered survey of 720 respondents who were randomly selected during the 2021–2022 academic year. In-depth interviews were subsequently conducted with 42 pre- and in-service teachers and their instructors. Following the descriptive analysis of the quantitative data, the qualitative data were thematically analyzed. The three emergent themes were participants’ experiences in the ECE program, their views on the implementation of LLLs, and the effectiveness of literacy strategies. The paper concludes with recommendations for the strategic implementation of LLLs and adoption of multiple language strategies for language teaching and assessment.


early childhood education; language and literacy laboratories; professional development school model; United Arab Emirates

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