Examining Philology Teachers’ Lesson Planning Competencies in Vietnam

Hien Thu Thi Pham, Nguyet Minh Thi Le, Huyen Thanh Thi Doan, Hien Thi Luong


Planning lessons is an essential responsibility for any competent teacher. This study focuses on examining Vietnamese Philology teachers’ competencies in developing lesson plans. We employ a quantitative research approach by surveying 1,001 primary, lower secondary and upper secondary teachers in different provinces and cities in Vietnam. The results show that teachers spend a significant amount of time developing their lesson plans and they normally prepare their lesson plans one to two weeks before teaching in the classroom. They usually collaborate with their colleagues to develop lesson plans. Textbooks, teacher books, and materials from the internet are the main resources they use to design their lesson plans. They encounter many difficulties in the lesson planning processes, such as large class sizes, new curricula, and new textbooks Training and retraining of teachers are essential for developing appropriate lesson plans.



lesson plan; Vietnamese general education; new curriculum; lesson planning competence

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