Engaging English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Students through the Game-Based Learning Approach in Higher Education

Cesar Ochoa-Cueva, Luz Castillo-Cuesta, Paola Cabrera-Solano


The present study aimed to implement the Game-Based Learning (GBL) approach through the use of technology to promote students’ engagement in the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom. The participants included 64 undergraduate and postgraduate students involved in two EFL study programmes. This research followed a mixed-method approach, which included the administration of an online diagnostic questionnaire, an observation checklist, an online perceptions questionnaire and a semi-structured interview. This research was carried out over 14 weeks in four different courses in which the game-based approach was implemented through the use of Quizizz. The results showed that the participants’ perceptions of GBL were positive in all the stages of EFL lessons since learners were motivated, interested and had the opportunity to develop their linguistic and pedagogical skills.



Game-Based learning approach; EFL students; engagement; higher education; Quizizz

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