Multicultural Problem-based Learning Approaches Facilitate ESP Language Acquisition

Diane R Boothe, Melissa D Caspary, Clifton D Wickstrom


This paper discusses language teaching that incorporates Problem-based Learning (PBL), which will actively engage English for Specific Purposes (ESP) learners from diverse cultural backgrounds. When English language students who are native Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) are a portion of the learning group, it introduces an added level of complexity to the instructional design. The instructional designer is confronted with an ESP within ESOL dynamic, which becomes one of the most significant impacting variables in the learning environment. This topic will be approached utilizing examples appropriate for a variety of cultures and ESP content areas including engineering, technology and the sciences. The methods described, however, have equal value in other disciplines with unique English language components. The paper will explore use of PBL in a multi-cultural ESP situation. It is being developed with the purpose and objectives of including an overview of the key strategies for success in language acquisition focusing on ESP, and outlining exemplar programs that can actively engage learners in defined subject-matter contexts. We begin with the initial notions of PBL in ESOL, and ESP, as separate methodological arenas, and then the integration of the two (multi-cultural situation) yields the PBL of ESP within an ESOL environment.  


education, ESP, Problem-based learning, language acquisition

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